Add/Update Campus Personal Information

Your Personal Details, Contact Details, Addresses, and Emergency Contacts live within your Profile page in your PeopleSoft account. It is important that you provide current information so that your account is accurate and up to date. Be sure to return to your profile periodically to ensure your emergency contact information remains accurate and up to date.

To review and update your PeopleSoft Profile:

  1. Log in to TCOnline at
  2. From the Student Center, click the drop down arrow next to “Self Service.” Then, click the drop down arrow next to “Campus Personal Information.” Finally, click on the “Profile” link to access your PeopleSoft Profile.

Add/Update Preferred Name and Pronouns

You have the option to add/update your chosen name/campus name and your pronouns. Please enter your information in both the “Name” and the “Pronouns” tabs within this page.

To add/update your chosen name/campus name:

  1. Within the “Name” tab of the Personal Details page, click on the primary name to view it. You are not able to change this name.
  2. Click on the Preferred name listed to make any updates to the name you prefer to use. If your preferred name is the same as your primary name, you may leave it as is.

To add/update your pronouns:

  1. Click on the “Pronouns” tab at the top of the page to view pronouns
  2. Click on the existing field and use the drop down menu to select your pronouns

Be sure to click the “Save” button in the pop up window after completing your addition/update. For questions about preferred names and pronouns, you may contact Crystal Nieves, the Director of LGBTQ+ Life and the Queer Resource Center, by email at [email protected].

Add/Update Addresses

The Addresses tab on the left hand side of your Profile page houses your home address, parent mailing addresses, billing addresses, and your dormitory, campus, and/or Hartford off-campus addresses.

  1. Click the Add Address buttons under each section to add a new address, where there are no addresses currently listed. Click the the plus sign to an additional address
  2. Indicate the time from which you, or the individual, lived at this address and enter all information in the available fields
  3. Click on any existing address field to update any existing information

Be sure to click the “Save” button in the pop up window after completing any addition/update.

Add/Update Email and Phone Number

Cellular, Home and Work phone numbers are available to Trinity offices and faculty. Click on the Contact Details tab on the left hand side of your Profile page to provide both text numbers, voice numbers, and email addresses to ensure we can contact you in the event of a campus emergency. URGENT NOTIFICATION phone numbers are used solely for the Trinity College Alert System.

  1. Click on the “Add Email” button to add an external or urgent parent email account, or click on the plus sign to add additional email account options. Use the drop down menu and available fields to select an email type and add relevant information.
  2. Click on the “Add Phone” button to add phone numbers, or click on the plus sign to add additional phone options. Use the drop down menu and available fields to select a phone type and add relevant information.

Be sure to click the “Save” button in the pop up window after completing any addition/update. For more information, visit

Add/Update Emergency Contact Information

In the event of a personal emergency, an administrator will contact your designated emergency contact(s) on your behalf. Click on the Emergency Contacts tab on the left hand side of your Profile page to access your emergency contacts. It is important that you provide current contact information for multiple individuals and various ways to contact each one.

To review and update your emergency contacts:

  1. Click the Add Contact button to add a new individual or click the plus sign to add an additional contact
  2. Enter the contact’s name and use the drop down menu to select their relationship to you
  3. Enter the primary and any other phone numbers
  4. Designate one individual as your primary contact by checking the “Preferred” box next to their name

Be sure to click the “Save” button in the pop up window after completing any addition/update.

Be sure to return to TCOnline periodically to ensure your emergency contact information is up to date and accurate.


**NOTE** All students are required to enroll in this emergency network and other Trinity community members are strongly encouraged to do so.

 TrinALERT is the Trinity College emergency notification system. In the event of urgent or emergency situations, designated College officials use this system to quickly notify students, faculty, and staff via voice and text messages. Notifications will be delivered to cell phones and other personal devices, e-mail accounts, desktop computers, and Twitter.

If you have not done so, please register for TrinALERT, the emergency notification system. If you have registered, please review your contact information to ensure it is correct.